For this workshop, our task was to dub over the dialogue of a chosen scene from a film; the task was to help us learn the technical process in which dialogue dubbing is done. To begin with I decided that I would work alone, and be the voice of one character within a scene - it didn't matter whether the character was male or female as the task was just to learn the process, rather than create a realistic dubbed scene. I had to then find a clip from a film that I would want to use, to decide on a scene I thought of films that I liked and therefore had some understanding on what's happening in the scene. This meant that when recording it would be slightly easier as I would have more of an understanding on the scene and how the dialogue is spoke.
I decided on using a scene from the film 'The Breakfast Club', as it had a decent amount of dialogue, without being too complicated or too simplistic. From here I then downloaded the clip, and watched it a few times, after deciding on what character I would be dubbing over. Whilst watching the clip I wrote a short script for my character, so that when I recorded the dialogue I would know what to say. Next, I used the programme Garage Band to insert the clip as well as record my audio over it. This was not as easy as I initially thought it would be, even though I had my script and knew the scene well, I found it difficult to pace what I was saying correctly so that it would match up to the visuals of the character speaking. After getting my best take, I then had to do some minor editing at parts to help match up the audio as best I could. Lastly, I exported my dubbed scene once I was as happy as I could be for this experimental workshop.
Technically, I think that the final product was not too bad - the majority of my recorded dialogue matched the visuals of the character speaking. There was one small part of the clip that didn't flow so smoothy, however this could easily be overcome by listening to the scene a few more times and practicing how the sentenced is pronounced and paced. But for what this task was, it definitely was successful as I not only gathered an understanding of how to dub dialogue, but it worked well for the most of it without any massive problems.
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